Kobo collect android app does not show repeat

I understand that this the repeated topic but i don any other choice then ask. Please help.
I am trying to create repeat group for my survey. it shows fine in preview and all the other option suggested on previous similar topic. but repeat does not appear in the android ap…

Welcome to the community @cgspu! Have you gone through our support article Grouping Questions and Repeating Groups. It should help you solve your issue.

In addition, you could also validate your xlsform here to see if your form building is error free.

If you are still not able to fix the issue, please feel free to share your xlsform with the community. The community would love to help you solve your issue.

Thank You very much for the reply… i have read all the possible solution but it dint fix the issue… I have tested the xlsfrom from the shared link it works fine there… it works fine in the browser, issue is only with the android app. As i am new user it does not allow me to attach file. sharing the link of xlsform link

You should not be able to share your xlsform with the community! Would you mind sharing them again.

MoLRC.xlsx (12.3 KB)

I am sharing the xlsform. Please guide me.

Hi @cgspu!

I checked it out in both Enketo as well as KoBoCollect android app. I didn’t have to face any issue with the same. Note: I made a check with KoBoCollect v1.28.0.

Thank you Kal_Lam for the reply.
Not sure what i am missing. but it does not come in android app for me.

uploading screenshot of android app… not sure what i am missing…

OK. Would you mind trying it with ODK Collect v1.28.4? It worked for me with KoBoCollect v1.28.0.