Kobo encodes hyperlink and make them not readable

Hello everyone,

I am encountering an issue with hyperlinks added to a question. When I click on the hyperlink (which links to a SharePoint folder), Kobo changes it and the link no longer works. I did some research, and it seems to be an encoding problem. Here’s an example:

Original Link (inserted in the XLS form):

Link after clicking in the form:

I would like to add that this summer the link was working smoothly, and I was able to click on it and access the folder directly.

Could anyone help me with this? Is it a bug?

Thank you in advance!

Welcome to the community, @giulia_p! You should be able to add a hyperlink to a form as outlined in this community post discussed previously:

I assume it’s SharePoint that is behaving differently. Hence kindly ensure this with your IT team.