Kobo export data 504 Gateway Time-out

I am currently facing issues with the PowerBI connection and an existing Kobo form that contains more than 90,000 records.

Even when attempting to retrieve the data via the browser link: https://eu.kobotoolbox.org/api/v2/assets/form_id/export-settings/export_id/data.xlsx
I receive a 504 error after 60 seconds.

Does anyone have ideas on how to resolve this? Is it possible to add parameters to the link to retrieve only the last X number of records for the XLSX data?

Welcome back to the community, @slovak82! Pinging @osmanburcu (our Power BI expert) for your support!

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Dear @slovak82 and @Kal_Lam, as far as i know it is not possible to retrieve only x number of submissions for XLSX file but it is possible for the JSON format, only down side for JSON is your data will come in XML format not label.