Kobo to Power BI - Does data need to be public?

In the Help Center article, “Pulling your data into Excel Power Query”, it states

  1. Before transitioning over the Excel, make sure that there is a) at least 1 record stored in your data table in KoboToolbox and b) under the Project’s settings, set it to “share data publicly”.

Question: Do we need to make the data available publicly?

I am referencing a link posted earlier - to UNHCR INFORMATION MANGEMENT “KoBo Toolbox methodology of connecting KoBo data to Power PI” (https://im.unhcr.org/kobosupport/).

I enter my username and password into the UNHCR site and can see all my projects listed, and they are all private. Our IT team is working on an API, and we do not know if this methodology, which seems simpler, will work for our data.

Ok, I can see where my terminology gets a bit confusing. However, I think this is a straightforward yes or no question. Let me try again.

UNHCR maintains a web site to help connect KoBo data to an organization using POWER BI. The link is listed above.

I really don’t know anything about POWER BI, but our team is concerned about using this technology since an official help article indicated that it was necessary to make the data public in order to use POWER BI (using a different methodology).

So, is it necessary to make the data available publicly before using the methodology outlined by UNHCR? My guess is that it is not necessary, but I do not have the knowledge or tools to test this myself. TIA.

Hi @jblackman,

Apologies for the delay! Have you ever tried using Power BI? If yes, could you connect Power BI with the KoBoToolbox server (without making your data public)?

As far as i have worked out i could only connect Power BI with the KoBoToolbox server (on making my data public).

However, as far as you have pointed it out, the two document contradicts.

However, let me have your experience on this.

Have a great day!