I’m trying to attach a large list of itemset but keep getting this error. Here’s a sample of my tool and itemset admin2_info_county_itemsets.csv (2.9 KB) tool.xlsx (208.9 KB)
Unexpected KoBoCAT error 400: b’{“detail”:“The same instance id will be generated for different external instance source URIs. Please check the form. Instance name: ‘admin2_info_county_itemsets’, Existing type: ‘file’, Existing URI: ‘jr://file-csv/admin2_info_county_itemsets.csv’, Duplicate type: ‘choice’, Duplicate URI: ‘None’, Duplicate context: ‘survey’.”}’
I have another form that uses an external file but in this case, the example you gave earlier is for when one question needs to use the external file. My current form has three instances where the external file is to be used which will increase the rows of my external file to about 60,000. I guess there should be a way to this. I’m attaching the xlsx file and itemsets for your reference. Thanks
Could you make your CSV file a bit small to make a test to see if should work with a smaller file size? 60k should be a large file size. Or alternatively try the same with a device that should have greater memory to over the same.