I just started using kobotoolbox and I built and deployed a questionaire using XLSForm, I downloaded and validated the form using the online validator and I get no errors it opens fine using enketo web forms ,
I cannot however get it to download to kobocollect. I get the message: Form list download failed (see screenshot).
As far as I can tell the login is correct and I can download a blank form from the demo project without any issues and I did read the instructions: Data Collection on KoboCollect App (Latest Version) ā KoboToolbox documentation
I do have nested groups and repeats could this cause an issue? Is it a compatibility issue or am I missing something ?
Any help would be gratefully recieved.
Many thanks
PS, Iām using Kobocollect v2022.4.4
Here is a link to the form https://kf.kobotoolbox.org/#/forms/aQeTXAiUyMNskzL5pzNPLr