Kobocollect form upload fails returning "Generic exception" error and 500 response code


we’re having some issues with form data uploads. We started a new project 2 days ago and since the end of the first day of work we are getting error messages back when trying to upload finalized forms to the server.

i used the same kobotoolbox account for 14 devices with collect app. I just created a new account with the same permissions as the previous one (view form, add submissions), but this time i entered the login information manually in each device rather than using the “share with Qrcode”, and it works.

Perhaps there’s a problem with the password of the previous account i dont know what caused the issue. I though using the same account would cause errors. It works for now, but the previous account also did work the first day, i dont know if i’ll get the same errors tomorrow.


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@youssouf, :clap: :heart: :partying_face: