Recently shifted over from ODK to Kobocollect. Built the forms on the server and loaded to ODK collect no problem. I wanted to shift over to Kobocollect because of the improved interface capabilities it offers. Although it won’t allow me to open the app. I have uninstalled the ODK collect app, but still encountering issues. When I open the Kobocollect app on my android, a popup reads
"unknown error (code 14 SQLITE_CANTOPEN): Could not open database.
It doesnt allow me to even go into general settings and type in server like you do with ODK collect. Instead once I click ok from the popup window, it automatically closes the Kobo app
Love to hear some insight into this, very puzzled Kobo newbie
Could you kindly upload the screenshot (with the error) that you see when you try to load KoBoCollect. Would you also be kind enough to share the android version your device has at the moment?
Kindly please be informed that the current version of KoBoCollect v1.23.3k is not compatible with Android 10. Hence request you to use the ODK COllect (instead of KoBoCollect) till the next version of KoBoCollect is released. You should not have any issues using ODK Collect with the KoBoToolbox server.
Kindly please be informed that you should now be able to use the KoBoCollect android app (v1.25.1) which has just been released in the google play store. Also please be informed that this version smoothly works with android 10.
We would also like to apologize for the inconvenience caused! And many thanks for being patience.