Hello KoBoToolbox Team, Community, and @mike.destaubin,
we are currently looking into using KoBoToolbox for potential future projects. One of our partners is working with data collectors, who are often less literate. Unfortunately though the data collection in KoboToolbox is very much based on textual questions.
In our current application we are using a question type, that could be described as a picture-based multiple choice questionnaire. From investigating the various parts of KoBoToolbox, I concluded that there is no such question type available. Are there any plans to support such an image-based question type in the future?
Since KoBoToolbox is fitting our needs quite well otherwise, we would like to utilize its strength, like the offline support. We are currently investigating extending the system ourselves to support our needs. It’s a pity that the documentation is relatively minimal.
My research has lead me from enketo-express to the enketo-core. Since I am using [kobo-install] (https:// github .com/kobotoolbox/kobo-install) for the installation on my local machine, it took me some time to modify the created [docker] (https:// github .com/kobotoolbox/kobo-docker) configuration to include my custom widget. The build step of the frontend now includes my custom widget, but it doesn’t show up in the frontend. Are there any other steps required to register the widget? The code of my widget itself is exactly the code of the [textarea] (https:// raw.githubusercontent .com/enketo/enketo-core/master/src/widget/textarea/textarea.js).
Are there any version conflicts in the widget-configuration between enketo-express and enketo-core? [This TODO in the example widget] (https:// github .com/kobotoolbox/enketo-image-customization-widget/blob/master/image-customization.js#L23) implies different versions.
Final question: Am I at all on the right path to adding this functionality or should I choose a different approach? What’s the best way to add such a custom question type? Are there any examples/guides on this out there?
Sorry, new users can only put 2 links in a post.