Kobotoolbox on Azure without VM? Or SSO using Azure AD

Hi Team, this may be an off-topic question for this forum, but just wanted to know if there are any possible ways we can install our own kobo on Azure without VM?

Also are there any options to enable SSO using Azure?

Thanks as always.

Hi @ryanend,

Were you able to install KoBoToolbox on Azure?

Have a great day!

Hi @Kal_Lam we did not try to install on the Docker on Azure, however we succeeded installing on linux based VM on Azure.


Hi @ryanend,

Thank you for letting the entire community know.

Have a great day!


Hi @ryanend ,
How about the SSO? I’m looking for the same i.e installing on Azure VM but need the SSO with Azure AD. Please share your experience.

Kind regards,


Hi @ryanend,
I’m installing it on Azure, installation goes well without any issues but when the installation reaches to “Waiting for environment to be ready. It can take a few minutes.” . It stuck there and keep repeating. I’ve checked the logs but can’t see any bottle neck. I’ve 4GB RAM, 2 processor and 20GB disk space. I’m installing it on Linux (ubuntu 20.04).

Hi, grateful if anybody could comment on this topic (SSO with Azure AD). I would like to know if KoboToolbox supports this or not.
Best regards,

@gakuminkato the installation went very well i.e without any issues but we didn’t try the SSO thing as it requires python knowledge to update the login process.

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I am also facing the same issue with message “Waiting for environment to be ready. It can take a few minutes.” Will you please help me with the resolution steps if this is already resolved?


My answer is a bite late, but you can use Azure Web App instead of a VM. The service could use your repo, so deployment with CI/CD integration is a great option. For SSO, it could be integrated with the App Service level, the question will be how the application will handle the “session”?!

That’s what we use most of the time (ex: Password pusher, GLPI, etc.), it’s lighter, no more OS patch/update, secure and we deploy within our DevOps solutions (Github, Azure DevOps).

Let me know if you need details. :stuck_out_tongue:

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This sounds great.

  1. Did you develop your own ARM templates to do this?
  2. How did you get around the volume bind mount issues?
  3. Did you not have postgres issues when deploying, due to “chown” directory issues?


Hi everyone, we are interesting in how to get Kobotoolbox running on Azure Web App (Azure Containers Apps?) We have a customer, that would like to deploy Kobotoolbox on an Azure PaaS service, it woul be great, if there is a guide how to accomplish that.

Hi @adilshahzad it’s been 4 years now, I didn’t had the chance to work again on the kobotoolbox, but yes would be starting soon, if I get any solutions, I would definitely post here. Thanks.

Hi @greg_m you could use a VM and install the kobotoolbox on a VM, that would be PaaS.

This would involve managing the VMs, it would be a kind IaaS. It would be simpler to leverage Azure Web App (Azure Container Apps).