Lab-in-the-field experiment repeat question for each participant, any 5 participants from a grouo of 130

Hello everyone! I am programming a survey for a lab-in-the-field experiment with 130 participants. I want a survey form for each game rather than for each participant (and the enumerators will handle the tablets rather than the participants themselves). Participants will be grouped in groups of 5 and I have allocated them to a Session and an Enumerator in choices, the enumerator then selects which participants of the 5 allocated to them are present.

I have 6 questions per game and I want the question to repeat itself for all 5 players before moving to the next question. I have managed to do it with repeat groups but in repeat_count I have 5 and it seems to only be working for the first 5 players not the following players. I have tried many workarounds but I cannot seem to be able to make it work… if anyone could help I would very much appreciate it! Thank you!!

Welcome to the community, @mariona! The difference between a repeat group and a repeat count function is that the repeat group will repeat the questions as long as you want. Here there is no cut-off from the system. As an enumerator, you will need to decide to cut off. But in the repeat count function, the system will cut off once the number is satisfied.

So maybe you will need to decide what would be most appropriate for your use case.

Dear Kal, thanks so much for your response! The problem I am having is that I want the questions to be repeated for the participants that show up to the session counted as present_players. This can be a maximum of 5 at a time. It is working well but only for players 1, 2, 3 4 and 5. Not for any other player after 5 (I have 130 players). I can’t seem to solve the issue with repeat count either. Thanks!!