Launch KoboCollect form from an external app

Hello community,

I am building an android app using .NET MAUI, from inside this app there is a button.
what I want, is when the researcher click this button a new empty form in KoboCollect app is launched for entry , and I want to pass 2 or 3 parameters to the form to be filled directly in Kobo. after that when the researcher clicked another time on the button I want it to open that specified saved form for edit.

I tried to do it, but it doesn’t work correctly, I cannot find the appropriate activity to use for the intent, since you have a lot of activities. I used an activity that requires project id which is different per tablet that is unknown for me, and also not worked as needed. I need a solution that doesn’t require project id and depends only on form id.

Since I cannot upload the class that I’m working on, please find the attached snapshots of all content of the class.

Please, I need your help As Soon As Possible.

Best Regards,

I dont know whether you can do it via intents currently, but I would recommend reading thru the following, as it seems to touch on what you are also attempting to do [ODK Collect and KoboCollect are ostensibly the same core codebase]: Launch Collect from a browser, with feature pre-selected - Development - ODK Forum

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