Image link missing when downloading data

Hi KoboToolbox support,

I have a project that respondent have to upload photo, when I download the raw data in excel, name of file is exist but link url to see the photo is not exist. could you help me on this


Hi KoboToolbox support,

I have a project that respondent have to upload photo, when I download the raw data in excel, name of file is exist but link url to see the photo is not exist. could you help me on this



@Radik, have you checked the Include media URLs outlined in this support article Downloading Photos and Other Media. That should solve your issue!

@Kal_Lam I have followed the instruction, but still there are some blank link in excel as below

correct me if I am wrong, if I use DownThemAll, only download file that have link url ?
Could you please help me on this

@Radik, have you added that image question lately and redeployed your project? Or was it there from the very beginning?

@Kal_Lam, The image question is at the beginning, before or after those respondent, there is no missing link url. Is there any error if I redeploy the survey while the project is running. Thanks

@Radik, could you provide me the following through a private message? Maybe I could have a closer look at your case.

  • Username
  • Project name
  • Server

You should be able to send me a private message as outlined in the post discussed previously:

Hi Kal_Lam,

I need your help urgently, The problem is still exist, there is file name but there is not link of url. I attach the file that I have donwloaded from Kobo, I give yellow highlighted for it

Diary_Lifestyle_-all_versions-False-_2024-04-15-09-46-04 - link only.xlsx|attachment (302.3 KB)

@Radik, this is because there is a skip logic in your image question type. See image below (from your XLSForm):

The system will only capture images if the conditions are met.

Hi KalLam,

Yes, there is skip logic on those question, why there is file name but there is no link of picture. And the picture should be exist because the skip logic is applied. I have asked them to input data again, I hope the picture can be uploaded to the Kobo server


Pada Jum, 19 Apr 2024 15.07, Kal_Lam via KoboToolbox Community Forum <> menulis: