Linking Multiple Responses to the Same Respondent

Hello, we are developing a survey that will be taken at three different times by respondents in order to measure changes in knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behavior over time. In order to make the data management process easier, we are hoping to ID respondents consistently across the survey responses without requiring the respondents to manually input identifying information like email address that may be erroneously entered each time.

I have looked through responses to similar questions, but I have not been able to find one that solves the issue definitively. Is there a way to identify respondents by the email address at which they receive a link to the survey, or any other means of linking responses?

Thank you!

What you are referencing is a longitudinal data collection with a relational database capability. Unfortunately this future is not supported within the system. You can however take advantage of the functionality such as pull data functionality which will require that you have the first and subsequent waves of the data to be able to incorporate them


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