Log out of all devices where I have logged in

Hola. Me podrían ayudar a cerrar sesión en los diferentes dispositivos dónde he abierto sesión?
Es que he cambiado mi contraseña y un colaborador ya no está con nuestro equipo y no deseo que esa persona aún pueda acceder.

Hello. Could anyone help me to log out in every device i have connected, because i have changed my password but i noticed that i can acces to the data if i don´t log out.

Thank you…

Hi @kevo2406,

Welcome to the community! Is it that you wish the enumerators collecting data through KoBoCollect from your user account should not have the access to Get Blank Form or Send Finalized Form?

If this is the case and you have configured the enumerators mobile as:

https://kc.kobotoolbox.org or https://kc.humanitarianresponse.org

User_Name (this being your KoBoToolbox account user name)


If you have changed the password in your KoBoToolbox account under the ACCOUNT SETTINGS by pressing the MODIFY PASSWORD, you need not worry as the enumerator shall not be able to Get Blank Form or Send Finalized Form. To have access to these features, the enumerator should have your current password updated under the General Settings.

Sorry, I didnt explain very good. I gave muy account info to different people because i needed that they can download the data collected. Now, one of them has left the team, i have changed the password but the people who was logged is still logged on. I need to close all the sessions of all devices where they logged in with my credentials.

Thanks a lot.

Hi @kevo2406,

Could you let us know on which device it the user still logged in (KoBoToolbox account or the KoBoCollect android app)?

Hi @kevo2406
As @Kal_Lam has indicated, could you provide us with the information

Could you also counter check whether you simply needed to stop access for people who had the link to collect. Ideally changing your password would not change deny them access to the form.




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Hi there, I’ve just looked in Github and it is a known issue that when a user changes their password it doesn’t stop anyone already logged-in with the old password to continue using the account.

There have been some comments on this issue recently but it looks like no code changes have been checked in yet - you can follow progress on https://github.com/kobotoolbox/kpi/issues/2258

Unfortunately until that issue is resolved there doesn’t seem to be any way for you to prevent other logged-in users from continuing on the same session they are already using.