Login required to view public submissions as of this week



s of this week, navigating to the public URL for viewing submissions to a project now requires a login.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. … navigate to the URL of a public link (see screenshot)
  2. …you will be redirected to login page

Expected behavior

Public URL directs user to view submissions table without having to log

Actual behavior

Use redirected to the login page

Additional details

I believe this is likely related to the latest release. I have not changed my project at all. In the past the link would open a read only submissions table

- What should topics in this category generally contain?

- Do we need this category? Can we merge with another category, or subcategory?

Thank you for brining this to the community forum @livingcollections! We will get back to you soon with this.

@livingcollections, please be informed that the issue has been fixed. FYR: