Long time to load a filled

Hello everybody!

I have been using your platform for several years now and am very grateful to you for your work. For a couple of days now I’ve been struggling with the fact that it takes a very long time for me to open completed forms (and even more so the photos uploaded to the forms). I suffered for a couple of days, but at least they opened, but this morning I can’t work on the platform at all, photos don’t open at all. The problems are in the photographs. Geographically, I am in Poland, and my colleagues are in Ukraine. They have no problems using the platform and checking profiles (to which I gave them access). I already tried changing the browser, turning on VPN, but it didn’t give any results. I also tried changing the access point. Internet speed is high. All other sites work without problems. It is very important for me to be able to view photographs in order to implement projects in Ukraine.
I would be glad for your recommendations and ideas to resolve the problem that I encountered.

Best wishes,

Welcome back to the community, @Maksym1793! Could you kindly share a screenshot with the community so that the community should also be able to understand your issue pictorially?

теперь хорошо)

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