Looking for experienced formbuilder freelancer (with possibility of ongoing work)

I’m looking for a freelancer with experience designing and modifying Kobocollect forms using the formbuilder and .xls code.

I require the creation of a simple, short survey based on a pdf by Monday 25th.

Work would commence immediately and will be conducted remotely.

If this task is completed successfully, further work may be offered on an ongoing ad-hoc basis.

The freelancer would be required to create new forms and modify existing ones for project monitoring. Expertise should include, but not limited to, editing forms using the formbuilder or excel, all question types, skip logic, validation criteria, calculations, adding translations, etc.

Please send CV and details of ODK, XML or similar forms experience as well as requested daily or hourly rate to Tor Tennant, tor.tennant@co2balance.com

@hakan_cetinkaya @wroos @MohammedTaleb @Andrew1 @rahul_521 @ks_1 @stephenoduor @estefania.avendano @morriz @fadl @Prem @janna @meum92 @osmanburcu, checking if you are interested in helping out @co2balance?


Thanks @Kal_Lam ,I am interested but will contact @co2balance to get some clarification based on projects & requirements

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I am available for this job. Thank you.

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@stephenoduor, @fadl, thank your for your availibiility and willingness! :bowing_man:

Thanks @Kal_Lam

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@hakan_cetinkaya, :bowing_man:

Thank you Kal

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Please let me know what kind of support do you need,

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Hello There

Please find the link for the forms prepared by me. I can also connect the projects and prepare the report for you.




I charge $6 per hour for form building. The analysis and report preparation charges will be shared based on the structure and number of samples.
I am looking forward.

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This is Great! I’m interested.

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Thank you all for expressing your interest. The job has now been completed. Those of you who have expressed interest, we have retained your information and my reach out in the future for future projects. Best wishes

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