I am looking for a Freelancer for my questionaire design in Kobo ToolBox.
Hi @sunilghimire334 and welcome to the community!
I changed the category to job board
. Also sent you a private message about my personal information.
Hi @sunilghimire334, happy to know what you need. I have a lot of experience in Kobo forms programming. If you prefer to contact me by email, my account is eavendanonn@gmail.com.
Hi all, with permission of @sunilghimire334, I want to let all parties interested to know that the request was to design a matrix question
in Kobocollect
Which, to my knowledge, is not possible yet.
Are you still looking? Please contact me email: hoangquocviet28@gmail.com
Please contact @ rahulsingh@pradan.net in case you still wondering for support.
Hi Sunil, I am available for design form in kobo tool box. Kindly reply in PM or drop me a mail on rohitsaraswatsjb@gmail.com