Make form submitted toast message more prominent


After submitting a form in Enketo with the default link (Online-Offline multiple submissions), the toast message "“xxx was submitted successfully” is too subtle for many users to notice. We’re constantly getting messages from people asking if their submission was sent. The confusion is compounded by the fact that average users unfamiliar with KoboToolbox are used to a clear modal message instead of a toast message or are taken to a separate “thank you” page after submitting.

User story

As a user used to regular online survey platforms, I want to see a more prominent message that my submission was sent successfully so that I can be sure it wasn’t lost.

As a power user of KoboToolbox, I don’t want the toast/modal of the Online-Offline multiple submissions version of Enketo to be too disruptive so that I can continue sending multiple submissions effectively.


Move the current toast from the top into a horizontally and vertically centred box, but keep the auto-disappear functionality to avoid disrupting power users’ workflow.

Additionally, consider removing the form name from the message (to keep the message short enough to read in the ~3 seconds it’s visible) and adding a text that you can add another submission, e.g., “Your submission was sent successfully. You can send another submission.”

Alternative solution

Change the default Enketo form type into Online-only multiple submissions as that option already has all the sought-after functionality.

Other background

This is really not an issue for survey developers, who understand the differences between the different dropdown options under the Collect data header of the FORM view. The problem is that a large portion of KoboToolbox users don’t know those differences and always use the default option (Online-Offline multiple submissions) and share that with their users who might not have used KoboToolbox/Enketo before.

ping @tessvuj