Matrix rows mixing up automatically

Dear KoBo Community and experts,

after creating a matrix question, the rows appear totally mixed up in the enketo web form when redeploying the form.
I entered them in the correct order and after redeploying the form they appear in a totally different order. Any suggestions about how to solve this issue?

Unfortunately, I cannot find any answer, I have looked and followed all the steps of this page Question Matrix response type .

I really appreciate your fast help! Many thanks.

@Caro, we have a GitHub issue for this which you could follow here:

I will let you know when we solve this!

Hi Team, Was this solved. Im finding the same issue.

Welcome to the community, @msembatya! The issue is still open. You could follow the GitHub link shared above for updates.

The above Github ticket looks like it relates to viewing the matrix question in form builder only (whereas the original post above talks about the options being shuffled in Enketo even once the form is redeployed). @Josh FYI

Thanks @nat :+1: Have you seen this come up before in Enketo?

@msembatya is your issue the same as the original post in this thread or is it in the form-builder?

Have to admit I don’t use matrix questions at the moment - waiting for Support up to w13 (or w12) in Grid Theme · Issue #133 · enketo/enketo · GitHub to come through the release pipeline! Thanks loads.

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