Max limit of number of fields and calculated values in a a form

Can anyone kindly tell me what is the maximum number of calculated values for one xls form.

Sorry @yasirsaeeed, did not quite understand your query. Could you kindly elaborate it please so that the community should be able to help you out?

Thank you for your prompt response. Let me elaborate the issue. So I have a form which consist of about 3000 fields, additionally I have used integer variables which are not part of submitted data but help user do data entry (they display various % values that help user fill the form). The form is free from logical and sytax errors and I have checked it using online xml converter (ODK - XLSForm Online). Now when I try to deploy it, I receive this error "Unable to deploy, contact
I tired reducing number of variables (calculated fields) and it worked. So I think I am exceeding maximum limit of calculated fields.
Let me also tell you that I am having a paid subscription of Kobotoolbox.

Oh, I now understand your issue. Seems like you have a total of 3k questions (including the calculate question type). If this is the case, please be informed that 3k questions for a survey form are too much. Having such a large number of questions will time out the server and hence will allow you to deploy it. The workaround for this is that maybe you will need to break your survey form into multiple forms, which the server will be able to handle.

Thank you so much for the clarification, however let me also share that I created a test form with 5k+ question (all select_one type) and it worked. Best regards.

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@yasirsaeeed, the form also depends on the complexity of the constraints, calculations and the total number of variables used.

Thank you so much for the clarification and prompt response.

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