Maximum geotrace length

Hi, I wanted to know if there is any limit on the number of nodes a geotrace can collect. For example: can I use it to collect a 1000km trip using ODK with the automatic capture option?

Welcome to the community, @pschweitzer! I think that should be possible.

Just to be clear, are you using the foreground geotrace question with a ā€˜Automatic location recordingā€™ mode, or are all the locations being captured by the (background) audit log location tracking ?

can I use it to collect a 1000km trip

Depends on how fast you are drivingā€¦ :wink:

But seriously, itā€™ll depend on how many individual location points you want to put in the geotrace (but not the distance traversed!). Each individual geopoint location in a geotrace is stored in approx 50 chars (lat + long + altitude + accuracy decimals, plus some delimitersā€¦), so a very high sampling rate and/or an extremely long trace duration this string can get quite long. Also, any calculations that you might want to perform against your geotrace - eg distance() - will have to iterate over all the points in the geotrace, so very long geotraces could result in a user observable lag in form whilst processing them.

Practically speaking, yes there are various upper limits (most of them quite largeā€¦) due to the finite memory limits of your physical device, submission payload size, http timeouts, backend database datum storage limits, yadda, yaddaā€¦ But in terms of formal specifications, no there is no predefined fixed limit on the number of geopoints in a geotrace.

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