Media error, cannot get form on android app kobocollect

Please help me, I am using pull data but on my Kobocollect app, it’s taking longer time to load. When I reduced the size of the csv to about 1kb, It works but when I tookit back to 30mb, it does not work. The app is taking forever o load the 30mb

Good day everyone, Please I am stuck.
I created a form with pull data fucntionality. The csv was susscessfully loaded to the media with over 30mb, but when I tried to get the form, it was stuck in get media. When I used xlsx form online to diagnose the form I got this error

Also, after like 1 hour of showing connectin to server, it will end in showing

I have changed the name of the study to only headcount, yet i’m still getting disc error.
This is my form xlsx
heda.xlsx (11.0 KB)

Solution to the problem. I zipped the csv file, so it reduced from about 30mb to about 5mb. Then I uploaded it to media as
Though, it’s taking about 3 to 4 minutes to download the form on android but it is working perfectly

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Thank you for sharing the solution with the entire community, @oluwaseun_ogunmolu! :clap: :heart: :partying_face:

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