Minified React error #31 error

When I was trying to share data with other project forms, it gave me the following error upon selecting a specific group of questions:.
" Minified React error #31; visit Minified React error #31 – React for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings.

@Tadi, could you also let us know the server you are using? We could troubleshoot the issue at our end to see if it’s an issue within the system.

Hi @Kal_Lam

Thank you for quick response.I am using Global KoboToolbox Server.

Hello, @Kal_Lam I am facing the same problem. I am trying to connect a child form to a parent form and am getting the error: Minified React error #31.

Was there any solution to this?

I am experiencing the same problem; I am trying to share some questions on a parent form, but it does not allow me to share any other question type except “note”, which I do not need to share. I am using the global server.