Mobile app issue

Hello guys,
I am facing a strange issue for the first time while using the KoboToolbox app on a tablet. I am working on a specific survey that starts with a logo, but I am receiving the following error message:

“File: /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/ Training Amman LPC Pre Test-media/usaid_logo.png is missing.”

Additionally, when the user reaches the phone number field, they are shown the constraint message that already exists. However, if they go back one step and then return to the phone number field, the problem disappears.

I would like to point out that I have worked with the same XLSForm before without any issues, and these errors only occur on the mobile app, whereas everything works fine on the online forms.
also i would mention that i’m using Pull data function
you can find the attached xlsform that i use.
Pull Data New xlsform.xlsx (15.0 KB)

Your help will be appreciated

Could you please post your usaid_logo.png image and the associated datapull data file, to help debug. Thanks.

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@basharaljammal, maybe this support article Adding Various Types of Media (image, audio, video) to a Form should help you solve your issue.

yeah sure
kindly find them below

Thank you

datapull.csv (704.4 KB)