I’ve created a template with several ranking questions. When I try to move it to a project, I get the following error message:
"Row could not be displayed:
type = “begin_rank” Label = “Activites principale exercee precedemement” required = “false” $autoname=“Activit_s_principal_exerc_e_pr_c_demment” $kuid=“sy7in06” kobo–rank-items="Items cannot be selected more than once
Yes, I added a new question in my template. I selected the ranking option. I put in the question and changed the title of the “options” to “activités”. I then added the different answer categories.
Hi @axel_r73
We are currently working on modifications that would result in a change in how we handle library questions. As it is, some of the issues have not been fully resolved and this could be potentially one of them,
Thank you for bringing this to the community and making follow ups. Kindly please be informed that i have created a GitHub issue for the same and it can be followed here:
Thanks for the responds. I find a way to deal with this using XLS and importing it to the library. The functionality of the ranking in a group of items is still there and it displays itself just like it was created on a template it is just the appearance inside of it it’s different like individual items but grouped.