Multiple choice question with each answer having different points?

I have a multiple choice question and i want to assign different points for each choices? How to make it?

Hi @mhdimran and welcome to the community!

If you are referring to weighted scores, this post by Kal shows great examples.

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Thank you @hakan_cetinkaya. I went through these threads but these were all having different questions with different points. What i want was a single question with multiple choice where each choice will be carrying different points. Could you help with logic?

Sure @mhdimran, can you try to give an example of how do you want to measure the scores? This way we can think about it more precisely

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Welcome @mhdimran,
In addition to hakan_cetinkaya, what do you want to do with the points then?

You could

  • give names to the choices representing the points
  • add a calculate type which will store e.g. the sum of the points, based on a cascading if calculation:
    if( selected(${Question}, ‘firstChoiceName’), firstPointValue, 0 ) + if( selected(${Question}, ‘secondChoiceName’), secondPointValue, 0 ) + if( … ) ).

With choice names corresponding to the points, calculations would be easier.


Thank you @wroos I was looking for this syntax only which i was unable to understand earlier. Thank you so much.