Need an expert on Kobo Toolbox

Dear Kobo Toolbox developers. We, at Prisoners Defenders in Europe, need to develop a Kobo Toolbox form which consists of three levels or subforms. The first is a option select that depending on the answer takes you to the second level. The second is a select, again, that takes to the final form fields retrieval. The last level is a 5 field level with a multi-file upload field. When submitting the form, the form will submit if connected, or wait for connection to submit the results. All forms go to a repository in which information and the files are easily downloadable and managed, and perhaps it can be in the cloud, too.
Please feel free to contact me (+34647564741 / by phone or whatsapp if you are an expert and want to help us in this duty… Please visit our Prisoners Defenders webpage to know more about our activities. We seek for an engaged developer who develops this taking much care that it can save lives.

Sorry, I changed the posting category to Job Board.
It moght also be good to say that you are mainly working on Cuba prisonners, if I understood well. This might be a sensible political isdue. for potentiaal experts.

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@ks_1 @stephenoduor if you are interested to help out @jlarron through the job board?

Hi @Kal_Lam @jlarron
Sorry, my schedule is quite tight these days or I could have helped out.

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Thanks @Kal_Lam if my schedule opens up, I will reach out to @jlarron

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