New Support Article: Dynamic Data Attachments [Case Management]

Buenas noches estimado @Kal_Lam es posible hacer el llamado con Dynamic Data Attachents desde un repeat, trato de hacerlo y en kobo collect me salta este error:

El error se genera con el repeat, al quitarla funciona correctamente.

Agradezco su ayuda.

@Yimi, we will update you on this.

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Buen dĂ­a estimado @Kal_Lam

Hay alguna informaciĂłn sobre el tema del error generado en Dynamic Data Attachents desde un repeat en kobo collect??

@Yimi, we will update you with this soon.

I just tested it, and managed to get it to work after couple of errors,
as lesson learned, when importing the parent survey data, in step 4; appropriately naming the linked parent project is a must, this mentioned in the article but I didn’t notice it first when I read it,

Overall, this is very useful feature, thanks for putting the time and implementing it.

I’m going to test it, with pre/post-test survey (importing the pretest score to the post-test) to make the analysis easier,
In addition, I am thinking about using the count to prevent duplication in the ID by connecting the survey to itself, but this is tricky as data collectors need to constantly update the survey, and even if done, duplication may still happens because of delay in data submitting, so maybe it is not yet possible with this feature.


Buenas tardes estimada comunidad.

Al utilizar Dynamic Data Attachments, es posible recolectar datos off-line??

Yes @Yimi, its possible. And you could use both Enketo as well as Collect android app for that. But the only thing is that you will have to update your form on a timely basis to get updated with all the records you wish to link with.

@Kal_Lam , podrían ayudarme a implementar esta sintaxis: count(instance(‘survey’)/root/data[P_Enumerator = current()/
/C_Enumerator]) la idea es aplicarla en el mismo proyecto padre.

Mi intensiĂłn es la siguiente: (no se si sea posible) tengo un formulario de inscripciĂłn, el cuĂĄl recopila un ID, este es un dato Ășnico, al momento de diligenciar un nuevo registro, quiero que me cuente el campo ID, si el resultado de la cuenta es 0 (cero), es un registro nuevo, si el resultado es 1, la persona ya esta registrada, y si el resultado es 2 o mayor, el registro esta duplicado.

Quedo atento, muchas gracias.

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@Yimi, sure we will also capture this when we make an update in our article.

@fpichardom, linking your suggestion here so that we do not miss it when updating our article.

Can the parent project be updated as well?

Welcome to the community, @goeltkg! If you wish to update the parent project instead of the child project you could consider the parent project as a child project by adding another child project to your survey project and then link the same as outlined in the support article.

That means, creating two identical project one as parent and one as child. but when a child project is updated, will it be a new row added in the data base table or will it update in the same row (instance)?

You will need to configure the expression again to link the survey projects.

Could you please elaborate on this. I didn’t understand that. Are you suggesting to link back child project with parent project?

can changes made in parent project cause changes in child project?or opposite?

Sorry, could you explain your issue in detail? It’s a bit unclear.

when I linked both parent project and child project then collected data through parent project,can these data appears in child project?

I think that would make the expression very complex.

why when I collect data using Web Forms,my submission are not appears and it has no any notification