New Support Article: Dynamic Data Attachments [Case Management]

Please, were you able to sort the duplicate issue? I think I have a similar problem with a working form.

Dear snillok4u

Unfortunately, we are still waiting for the update of the respective support article (see message of @Kal_Lam from July 8).

Kind regards

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Thank you. I will wait then. Thought you found a different approach to solve the duplicates.

Please, when there is a group inside a group, what should the code look like?

I have done a form working, but i needed to make a group of questions a field-list, hence, the dynamic code is not calling the entry from the registration form.

This works:
instance('cpickup')/root/data[reg/family_number = current()/../pickup_number]/reg/child_1

Having included a group, I tried this and it didn’t work:
instance('cpickup')/root/data[reg/family_number = current()/../pickup_number]/reg/child_1grp/child_1

Dear @Kal_Lam i read your suggestion it was very helpful. I have successfully test and connect parent and child projects. However my requirement is with only one form doing 1st & 2nd survey and need to be connected to the current project dynamically and get past data that summitted previous data from the first survey . Please look as the survey questions below

  • The form just start by specifying the following:
    • First Visit
    • Second Visit
      And expect the phone number on the second survey to fitch the data from the first survey.
      Kindly help!
      Thanks in advance,

thank you all i got this link and was very helpful, i solve my problem here

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can we do that now?
or we will wait until the next update?

Welcome to the community, @salaheddinieyyubi! Could you kindly explain your issue in more detail so that the community should also be able to help you out?