Number entry control (males and females by age group should not exceed the total family member)

Total_Control.xlsx (12.1 KB)

Hie good people of this community. I am attempting to control/ valiadate entry of household numbers by age, somehow my validation is missing it. On Enketo, it is working okay but on the phone, the constraint kicks in. Another example is that when the household only has one occupant. Where am I going wrong?

Welcome back to the community, @bkgwadi! You could do this as outlined in the image shared below:

In the survey tab of your XLSForm:

Reference XLSForm:

Total_Control.xlsx (11.1 KB)

Still not working even on the Enketo

@bkgwadi, could you try listing out what is not working so that the community should also be able to have a look at it?

Thank @Kal_Lam
To start off, I inputed 3 males as the total household, 0 for “Male - Under 5’s” and then 0 on “Number of 5 to 18 Years” and it gave me an error message, I could not proceed.