ODK collect and Kobotoolbox server

I would like to continue using ODK collect. But I can’t configure the Kobotoolbox server url in ODk Collect correctly.
General settings, Server:
Type: ODK
URL: https://kc.kobotoolbox.org/my_username
User name:
Custom server paths:

When I want to download a blank form, I get the following error message: “Form list download failed”.

Can you help me?
Thank you

Can you try logging in to a clear browser with the same username and password and see if the password is right. If this does not work for you, please send us your username in private.


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Hi @francki30,

FYI, there are 2 servers hosted by KoBoToolbox for public. One is the HHI server. For this you will need to use the following URL https://kc.kobotoolbox.org/your_username while the other is the OCHA server. For this, you will need to use the following URL https://kc.humanitarianresponse.info/your_username.

Note: my_username as you have indicated or your_username as i have indicated is the username registered while creating your KoBoToolbox user account.

Hope this works for you!

Dear Ka_Lam and stephanealoo,

thank you for your fast answers
I followed the instruction as described in the kobotoolbox documentation and your answers.
Finally, I found the problem. It come from the wrong Custom server paths in the ODK Collect Server Settings section. They must be the same in comparison with KoboToolbox App :
Form list path : /formList
Submission path : /submission

Thank you very much