Does ODK sensor framework work with Kobocollect? Specifically we wish to print a unique barcode from each form created much as the ODK zebra printer option can do. Thanks
Hi @shlandrews,
Welcome to the community! I assume (as i could not confirm as i do not have an iMZ mobile printers where i could confirm) the latest version (v1.25.1) of the KoBoCollect android app should be compatible with ODK sensor (as ). I tried, using it and was able to reach till this stage:
But unfortunately, as i did not have an iMZ mobile printers i could not proceed further. Thus my hunch here is that if you follow the instructions laid out here, you should be able to print using the iMZ mobile printers.
Maybe some community members could confirm further!
Have a great day!
Just to reiterate the point by @Kal_Lam and answer specific points of your query,
Yes it works with KoboCollect as mentioned and tested by @Kal_Lam
However on your second issue
Hypothetically this should work out if you found a way to create the barcode . Unfortunately we do not have a printer to test.
Do you mind sharing a video and/or write up of your success story if you manage to get this done? It would really help this process. Potential use could include things like printing consents and other forms on field.
Thanks for your responses, I have been able to progress similar to @Kal_Lam since his advice, however we have attempted to purchase a iMZ printer but they are since discontinued models. The replacements are ZQ models but given they are $5-800 price tag, we can’t justify testing without knowing if the driver is compatible. Also in general having discovered the cost of this printer, we have determined it is too expensive to implement despite it having great use to our application and other applications such as @stephanealoo suggests. Would be great if a cheaper ‘Chinese no brand’ model bluetooth printer could be used, but we don’t have the capacity to build this integration.
Thanks but seems this is a dead end for us at present.