On new household id in 2nd round dynamic data attachment

Thank you for always referring to the Kobo community forum.

I would like to ask you all about the relationship between the introduction of the new household id and data input in Dynamic Data Attachments.

I thought about displaying the demographic data collected in the first survey in the second questionnaire using the household id as a key.
In order to quote the data, I entered a code starting with instance() into the calculation of XLSForm.
This allowed me to enter the Household id collected in the first survey into the second questionnaire and quote data such as age, gender, religion, etc. Everything was going well up to this point.

However, when I entered a new household id in the second survey form that was not in the first one, the survey form displayed the following message and was forced to close.

“Error occred: Failure trying to update values. this is generally due to incorrect usage of calculations in the form design. if you keep having this problem, report it to the person who asked you to collect the data.”

Is there an alternative to entering a new Household id and continuing the investigation?
I would appreciate your response.

Welcome back to the community, @Yamaa! Have you tried the sample XLSForm that has been shared in the support article Dynamic Data Attachments? That should give you some workarounds of the DDA features.

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Thank you for replying.

I have tried to do the sample form from the page “dynamic data attachment” you shared, then I found that this is no problem on desktop version but the problem is occurred on tablet( installing kobo app).

The content is as follows: Enter the new identification number that was not entered in Round 1 into the Round 2 survey form, fill in the empty fields, and then submit, and the questions that cite data from Round 1 will be left blank.
This makes it impossible to complete the survey.

I share the sample form edited a little bit(I removed the TRUE in read_only in Round 2 file).

Could you solve this problem?
I’ll wait for your kind response.
Round_2_edited.xlsx (12.4 KB)
