Order of questions rearranged in Question Matrix

Hi @sdalle
You can always track this at GitHub as posted by Josh


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Hello, was this solved ? im encountering the same .

Hi @msembatya, unfortunately this is still an open issue. You can refer to the GitHub link for its status :+1:

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Still not solved it seems. Well after a year it sure would be nice to have a working solution.

Still no solution to this? We are having the same problem with matrix questions. Once deployed, the matrix table also does not appear correct. We are thinking of just changing all these matrix questions to multiple-choice, which would very disappointing, given they were designed as tables in the first place. Hoping for helpful feedback, if available. Thank you!

Any real solution to this yet? We are having the same problem with matrix questions. Once deployed, the matrix table also does not appear correct. We are thinking of just changing all these matrix questions to multiple-choice, which would very disappointing, given they were designed as tables in the first place. Hoping for helpful feedback, if available. Thank you.

@sclateri, we would advise having one post instead of having multiple posts on different topics. I have merged your other post to this same topic so that we could dig into your issue from the same post.

Did you create your Matrix Question through the Formbuilder or the XLSForm?

Thank you, and for clarification about posting the same query in 2 different threads. We are building the survey in Formbuilder.

@sclateri, we have an issue recorded in GitHub, which is still open. You should be able to follow it here:

Hola. I have this problem. What can I do? I dont find the solution here in the forum.

Welcome to the community, @valery! Maybe you will need to download your project as XLSForm and then use the same.

Hi, I’m facing the exact same issue. How do I resolve it?

@test_amrutha, you could solve this temporarily by downloading the survey project as XLSForm and then re-uploading them.

Wouldn’t that make me lose the data that has already been uploaded to the form?

No. But at the same time I would advise you to first play around with a dummy project so that you are sure that the data does not get lost.

Hello there,
I am also experiencing the same problem currently
Please assist

Welcome back to the community, @davis1993! FYR, this issue is still open. You could follow the GitHub link here:

However, as a workaround, please download your survey project as an XLSForm and then update your questions there. Once it if final, you could replace the XLSForm in the server and deploy it.

Hi, this is still an issue!

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I’m still having issues with this also. Can we get it prioritised for a fix? It has been open for a long time.

Welcome to the community, @alhunt! Maybe a quick fix at the users end would be is to download the XLSForm and then re-upload it to the server again. This should fix the issue.