Pick up the name of the item from multiple select and use on begin repeat

i got some problem, 1 week ago my form was working, in this week i tryed to collect some data it doesn’t work, i have a multiple select of crops, when i select one it’s open a group of questions about the crop selected but when i open more then one it’s open the repective repeats, but it’s selected only the fist element of the array, the problem is on this function “jr:choice-name(selected-at(${Crops}, position(…) - 1), ‘${Crops}’)”, it doesn’t find the right position, i guess in this weekend was update of kobocollect, i would like to know if had some change in this function.

Welcome to the community, @manueljorge! Could you kindly share with us the part of your XLSForm (with select_multiple and repeat_group) that is having the issue? The community should then be able to help you out.

there is part of the xlsform

it is in Portugues but i think you’ll understand where i have problems

@manueljorge, could you share the same with the community? I mean upload the relevant part of your XLSForm with the community please? So with that the community should be able to help you out.