Please help test Enketo 2.7.3

Hi @jnm

Yes I were able to open the links and say my form rendered as expected (Actually this succeeded for forms puplished in server instances of kobotoolbox on and



Hello @jnm ,
First tests: We seem to encounter some non-working relevant and constraint clauses. Different behavior between KoBoToolbox Preview and your new Preview link. More details in the next days.


@wroos, maybe it would be helpful for the community, if you could share your xlsform (with those question types and checks) that had issues. You don’t need to share the entire xlsform. A screenshot of the issue would also be great for the community to validate the same at their end.

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Hello @jnm and @Kal_Lam ,
Here is a (reduced) form demonstrating the problem:
MigTest02.xlsx (11.2 KB)

Neither the relevant clause nor the constraints are working as expected, on the test-links. (Tested with Preview and with Offline-URL)


But all works as expected (and in the past) in normal KoBoToolbox.


Furthermore, I was surprised, that the problem is the same now if we test (Preview) with ODK Online validator. Is there already the test version?

Kind regards


Thank you, @wroos, for sharing this with the community and the team.

Yes, it may actually be ahead of the test version that I posted here. That “XLSForm Online v2.x” tool is maintained by the fine folks at Nafundi and usually tracks the latest commit of the master branch, but they may have rolled it back slightly due to Form preview fails with IDBObjectStore error · Issue #1068 · enketo/enketo · GitHub.

Thanks for your testing feedback. We’ll investigate these issues prior to upgrading Enketo on our production servers.

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Hi @wroos, thanks for catching this. I’ve tracked it down to this existing open issue and added a comment about what you’ve found:


@wroos I’ve just found that this issue has been resolved in the evaluator:

and will be included in the next Enketo release (2.8.0).

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This bug report Problem with Expressions after last Enketo Update - Preview Load Error - #10 by Kal_Lam has a form which did not work when enketo was last updated

Hello @manu_j,

Is there something there that needs attention with regard to this topic? Have you tried the form in that bug report with the new 2.7.3 version that I posted here and found a problem with it?



I wasn’t sure if that was fixed in 2.7.3.

Since the form had problems with the previous enketo upgrade, I thought it will be a good test case if it wasn’t looked at.

@manu_j, do you mean you get this screen when after hitting the Submit button for testing:

cc: @jnm

No No. Sorry for the confusion. I haven’t tested that form with current update.

I remembered that bug report and that it had a form which had problem with last update and was just linking to it so that it can be used to test the current update

Hi @manu_j, I have tested the bug report you linked to and it appears to be solved in 2.7.3 but I have asked that @wroos test it again with some of those other examples he listed. There are some additional bug fixes that will be included in the upcoming 2.8.0 release.


Refer to the updated post for continued testing and feedback:

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