Please help test Enketo 2.7.3

We would like to upgrade our and services to the latest version of Enketo, but given the magnitude of changes included, we are calling for a period of public testing prior to any new release.

If you are willing to help, please go to Enter the URL of your form (as shown when viewing the new interface) and the username of an account with access to submit to that form. Then click the submit button, and if all goes well, you should see a list of URLs returned by Enketo. Click the URLs that you find relevant (if you’re not sure, try offline_url), and watch for anything unusual. Please pay special attention to calculations, validation criteria, and skip logic.

Please share your testing results by replying to this post. If find that everything works properly, it’s still helpful for us to know that as well :smiley:

@stephanealoo, @Kal_Lam, if you know of anyone in particular who would be interested in helping us with this, please share this post with them.


Pinging in @wroos, @nat. Maybe you would be interested to test the upcoming new release of the Enketo.

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@jnm, I tried to test this but got this (a page that is different than what you have shared) …

I tried this, and got the same error as @Kal_Lam .
I’m using the url of a form which is hosted on humanitarian server.

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@jnm I have same problem - punched in an “owner” username and tried both a URL (as per instructions) and als0 tried with the enumerator URL format ( - but haven’t managed to get any test URLs returned (just the Response from Enketo heading and the Do **NOT** use these links for any data collection other than testing. They may stop working without notice, at any time! information, no list of URLs at all.

Happy to help test, just let me know when URLs are available to try out! Thanks for all your work.

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I got the same problem.

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Hello @jnm,
Thanks for all the updates !
Could be great if the testers could also have a list of changes (like “release” notes), to chose some test cases.
To limt the reporting here, I would like to propose: no more than 2 posts on the same error/problem (except additional details).
Kind regards

Enketo’s change log is here - and I think the current Enketo version on is 2.5.6 so quite a lot of changes to test! Think the biggest thing (and the thing I’m keen to access) is the X-Path evaluator change that should speed up repeats performance. Cheers!


I got the same message. and no links shown

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Well, that was embarrassing! The testing script stopped working with URLs and I didn’t notice. It should be fixed now. Thanks for the quick feedback.

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I’ve just tested it with my form described in this forum post.

Overall, Enketo seems to work well. I found two minor bugs, described below. I believe these exist in the previous version too… so consider this a feature request rather than a regression :wink:

  1. Enketo does not handle the summary note that I’ve built into the form. This note shows a variable computed as join(', ', /data/person/foo[contains(${calc_bar}, .)]). It also contains a <br> tag that works well in Collect but doesn’t in Enketo.

  2. Keyboard navigation with repeat groups is tricky. If I have a repeat group with a single text field, navigation goes like this:

    • Load the form.
    • Press <tab>. The text field has focus. Enter some text
    • Press <tab>. The - button for removing the repeat group instance has focus.
    • Press <tab>. The + button for adding another instance has focus.
    • Press <space>. Another instance is added.

    At this point, the + button still has focus. This is awkward; I now have to press <shift>-<tab> twice to get back to the text field in my newly-added instance. It would be more convenient if the focus would go directly to the newly-added instance after pressing <space> on the + button.

I realize these are very nitpicky… hope they help nevertheless :slight_smile:

And… thanks for all your amazing work on the Kobo ecosystem!!

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@Sjlver, did you test them through the link shared by @jnm?

Maybe these testing in the link shared above should be more helpful to see how it behaves in the latest version of Enketo.

Assuming yes, thank you for testing, @Sjlver! Generally we are looking here for newly-introduced problems or regressions that would prevent us from deploying the new release for mass consumption. Your feedback about past and continued behavior is very useful, though: would you consider reporting it at Issues · enketo/enketo-express · GitHub?


Which link from the initial ee. list to use best for tests with ODK / KoBo Collect forms? We are mainly working with ODK forms. So, how best contribute (test) with Enketo beta, please?

Sorry, not sure I’m following.

Thanks for editing your message, but I don’t understand what “ODK forms” are. What are you talking about? What is “the initial ee. list”? Do you need to test forms that aren’t hosted on or Sorry if I’m being dense here.

Sorry, if not well explained.
We have and use ODK Collect forms, on OCHA server.
So, who can we best use them to support your KoBo testing demand. How and with which of these links?

Ah, sorry for the cryptic API names there. offline_url may be the one you want if you usually use ODK Collect, as it’s the one that will enable offline data-entry support in the web browser. This is what we show in KoBoToolbox as “Online-Offline (multiple submission)”. You can likely ignore the rest if you aren’t interested in limiting responses to one per person, or redirecting to a URL after a response, or embedding within an iframe, etc. etc.

The URLs in my screenshot that end with sslciB8Y are just for demonstration. They’re for some form that I had and likely not very interesting to you. When you visit and enter one of your own form URLs, e.g., you’ll get a whole new set of Enketo testing URLs that are specific to your form.


worked as displayed below

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Thank you, @Rassam. Were you able to open any of the links and see that your form rendered as expected?