Please help test Enketo 7.3.1

Hello everyone,

We are upgrading to Enketo 7.3.1 and would like to bring you the opportunity to test your forms with this new version prior to it going live on our production servers.

Please help yourself to an account on (registrations are open), give it a spin, and let us know if you notice any bad behavior.

Below is an excerpt of the Enketo change log with relevant changes for this upgrade. The complete Enketo change log is available here.

Thanks for using KoboToolbox!

Highlighted changes

  • Add multi-argument support to distance function (#1328)
  • Forward auth cookie when making max-size request to form server
  • Fix _isRelevant function in calculation module returns incorrect cached result after initialization
  • URL-encode href attributes
  • Remove handling of bl tag because it doesn’t exist
  • Only treat _ as markdown italics if separated by whitespace
  • Fix: “for” attribute throws off ability to open to the right page upon load (#1286)
  • Revert change from v6.1.0 to preserve high resolution annotated images (#1292)
  • Fix: ensure annotations/drawings on non-current pages are submitted

Behind the scenes

  • Publish to DockerHub as enketo-express (not enketo like GHCR)
  • If redis is configured with a URL, use the url as-is (#1297)
  • Update OSM URLs to one that supports HTTP/2 and HTTP/3 (#11)
  • Reduce size of Docker image by using slim base and only building once (leaving dev deps)
  • Breaking change: in the move to a monorepo, some paths in Sass styles have been updated to reflect the new file structure. The impact should be minimal, but custom themes may need to be updated. Generally, paths which cross package boundaries (i.e. imports from Enketo Express to styles in Enketo Core, or imports of third party styles from NPM packages) should use absolute paths from the monorepo root. You may refer to existing theme styles for examples.
  • Breaking change: Support Node 18 and 20, drop support for older versions
  • Breaking change: Update Dockerfile Node version
  • Breaking change: Remove pm2 runtime in Dockerfile
  • Breaking change: Remove outdated examples for Vagrant, Docker Compose, Heroku
  • Breaking change: Remove outdated support for request-filtering-agent
  • Fix changelog versions
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@ambassadors, @stephenoduor, @ks_1 would you like to have a look at this?


@jnm , @Kal_Lam Sure ! Will create time tomorrow to take a look and run the necessary tests


sure, I will test it :slight_smile:


I tested, not fiend any issue.


I have tested it and did not encounter any bad behavior. Thanks. Derebe


Can it (this updated Enketo) allow for matrix through Tablet device? I will test it out tomorrow and see.

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@Edze, kindly be informed that matrix question is only supported with Enketo and not with the Collect Android App.