Preselect not working on android

I have worked on this form
aG4B842NdgpvMXwajY8jbU (2).xlsx (12.0 KB)
works perfectly on enketo as in link Enketo Express for KoboToolbox but does not work using android app

See also hints and problems with the Enketo link version, here, please:

The xlsx seems slightly different to the link version. So, maybe provide this form version here too?

H @wroos , thanks for the advice, I had slightly modified it when trying to find a way around the issue but the link is Enketo Express for KoboToolbox and original xlsx file is
aG4B842NdgpvMXwajY8jbU (2).xlsx (12.0 KB)

Would you mind to provide info about the different behaviour in Android, please?

Also check the hints from testing the link version, please.

Could you also tell us, if this social scoring system has an international standard as source (e.g. MICS/Unicef) and where it is documented?