Previous form owner made project uneditable

My predecessor(project coordinator at our organisation) made one of the deployed projects uneditable, which means I cannot change its name or delete/archive the project. When I select the project the only heading that appears is “FORM”, whereas I want to see the “SETTINGS” tab/heading. Please advice.

Hi @dag1986,

Welcome to the community! Would you mind providing me with the following information in a private message so that i could have a look at it from my end:

User name:
Email id:
Server: OCHA or HHI
Project name:


Hi Kal_Lam,

How do I respond to you privately?


Hi @dag1986,

You are facing this issue because the project that you say has been shared to your account by your predecessor (project coordinator of your organization) i.e. the project has not been uploaded from your user account but was shared to you from his user account and has only provided you with the view form access.