Problem connecting form to Power BI Sept 01

Hi again! Following my previous post, I would like to share with you all a problem I had while trying to connect Kobo data to Power BI. A message appears with the error “308: permanent redirect”.

Any ideas on how to restore the connection?

Thank you all for your help

Good afternoon, you must update the URL, due to the migration of servers.


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@anacarolcjp, if you are still facing the issue, please feel free to share a screenshot. The screenshot would be helpful to troubleshoot your issue.


Hi there! That is the message I get while trying to update the data.

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Today I use the following URL structure:

“https:‘//’/[form ID]/submissions/?format=json”, [Headers=[Authorization=“Token [kobo account API]”]]))

PS.: the first simple quotation marks were used only to enable the proper appearance of the text

Good afternoon, you must update the URL, due to the migration of servers.

URL: [form ID] /submissions/?format=json

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That was pretty straightforward! haha
Thank you for the support



Hi @Kal_Lam! I am facing somewhat the same proble. I have tried changing the server and the issue still persists. Kindly help.

Have a look at this article that explains how to update the server address in your Power BI Report.

You will also have to type your credentials again (assuming you’re using basic authentication).

If your report is published to the web, you’ll have to go to Power BI Service and check things there. Probably you will have to retype the credentials and make sure Automatic refresh is working the way you want.

@cispmed, :clap: :heart: :partying_face: