Problem loading pull data file


Hi!! Since a couple of days ago, when I try to “redeploy” a form, all previous pull data files uploaded in the media category will fail to be loaded onto the form. I do not change the calculation column, nor the pull data files, and still this happens.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Deploy a form normally, with pull data files attached.
    2.Redeploy the form, not modifying the files. These will fail to load on the form.
    3.To fix it, you have to delete all files, redeploy, then attach the files, then redeploy again.

Additional details

I think this happened some months ago too. But it was fixed at the time.

Thanks for all the help yall can provide!


I want to report the same situation on my side

the same happened on my side too

Hi community team,

  • I am currently facing the same issue in redeployment form with pulldata, have to add many procedures to be able to redeploy.

Can you help to take a look?



I have been experiencing the same problem, it started on the 19th and still struggling to refresh data using Power Query, including automated updates through Power BI.

Thank you.

@it_pau_dia, @data_gab_riano, @it_ahmsol, @Jummy, @nomkhosivpuu, could you kindly let us know the server you are using? We could then make a quick test to see if there is an issue with the function.

I am using the eu. server but the Power Queries are pulled using Thank you.

I am not using the ‘eu server’ but the other one

Hi @Kal_Lam ! Thanks for looking onto this.
Im using “

Good Morning, Team.

I was just checking if there has been any updates on this issue. Thank you.

No he logrado extraer los datos que necesito levantamiento moviliario 2024

pas de problème pour le moment

It sounds frustrating to deal with that redeploy issue! Thanks for detailing the steps to reproduce the problem; it really helps in diagnosing the issue. Hopefully, the team can look into this quickly and provide a fix, especially since it’s a recurring problem. Your workaround is helpful, but it’s definitely not ideal. Appreciate you bringing this to attention!

I have managed to get the API V2 link using the Kobo form Fetcher. It however does not show validation timestamp and the person responsible for validating each record.