Problem Updating Surveys in Kobo API: Inconsistent Changes Based on Creation Date

Hello, I’m here again with an issue.

I’m trying to update some surveys in Kobo through the API. When I ran tests on another server, everything worked perfectly. However, when I attempt to make the changes on the server where we actually need to apply them, a strange issue arises.

The error occurs as follows:

  • For some _id, the changes are applied successfully.
  • For other _id, the changes are not applied, and a controlled error appears stating that the _id does not exist.

What’s most curious is that the changes work fine for surveys created on or after November 20. However, for surveys created before that date, only a few are updated correctly, and the majority fail to update.

I would greatly appreciate your help with this.
Below, I’m sharing the link to the code I’m using to perform this bulk update.

GitHub - Neiderserranotorres/actualizar-registros-por-API-de-kobo: problema al actualizar registros por API de kobo

Only the file is executed.

Hello, Kal_Lam I need your help with the issue I posted a few days ago. I’m sharing the link to the post. Problem Updating Surveys in Kobo API: Inconsistent Changes Based on Creation Date

Thank you very much, I hope you can help me…