Problem with editing already submitted data

I cant edit submitted data
error that appears :
“Data server did not accept data.
Contact the survey administrator please. (400)”

@AnriCh, could you also kindly share with the community a screenshot of your issue so that the community should also understand and help you out?

Which server are you using, please? Is this a private one?

yes, its private server

Generally, endusers should first contact their administrator or project focal point, please, who will channel the communication with the Kobo forum.

Dear Anrich, Can you please check the uuid of the form? if it is duplicating? I face this error when i would like to edit the forms where uuid is duplicating.

I solve the problem , I try to redeploy the form , then this text appears : Unexpected KoBoCAT error 400: b’{“detail”:“The name column for the 'yg57n08' choice list contains these duplicates: 'mariupol_oblast'. Duplicate names will be impossible to identify in analysis unless a previous value in a cascading select differentiates them. If this is intentional, you can set the allow_choice_duplicates setting to 'yes'. Learn more:”}’ , Than I find input that contained two same name and delete one . Thanks for help <3