Problems after saving


hELLO, we want to run a survey where we want to collect infomartion the following way!!

First, we will ask the number of members, and on that basis, the household roster will open (we ask this question in block 2)- question 1

Then in the roster, we ask whether you had any illness in the last 1 month (q12) if yes, what were the number of episodes, and we also write the person’s serial number and ask their names. Then for this person, block 4 should open twice with this person’s name and serial number.

Then we have question q13, Whether he/she has chronic. if yes, then chronic block should open i.e., block 5 for this person name and id (filled in block 3).

When we are filling out the form, the code works fine and ids and names are appearing correctly, but when we are saving and opening the file, the ids and names go hey wire.

I am attaching the Excel sheet for your reference. Please help us. we need this urgently.
Delhi Slum Survey Questionnaire-with hindi (1) (1).xlsx (59.5 KB)

@archanadang, maybe just share the relevant part of your XLSForm that is not working as expected instead of sharing the entire XLSForm.