Problems installing certification on your local Kobo server

When running the Kobo installation, at the end of the certification process, it presents a screen to wait for the finalization, which there is no response. The necessary releases of ports 80 and 443 have already been made in the Firewall, but the error persists and I cannot complete the installation.

@pamela_gi, pinging @stephenoduor to see if he is available for the support.

Thanks, I look forward to reply

@pamela_gi , Kindly confirm

  • Which version of the install script are you using
  • Is the server IP internet facing/Public over the internet?

You can also private Message me when you are available

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The version is the latest available on the Kobo website. Yes, the public IP of the server has been configured in DNS.

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I still have problems solving this issue of the installation on the Kobo server, to access the server it is necessary to use TeamViewer, for institutional security reasons, can you still help me?