Providing view and validation access to users

I am new to Kobotoolbox. I developed a questionnaire on the toolbox and deployed on kobo collect. Two users asked to be granted permission to view and validate submissions. I created accounts for them and granted them permission. Please i need steps on how them will view and validate submissions. How can they view both on kobotoolbox and kobocollect. Please i need this settings urgently. Thank you.

Welcome to the community @Chigieluv! To learn more about sharing, please feel free to have a look at our support article Managing Permissions. Similarly, please feel free to have a look at our support article Row-Level Permissions and Record Validation.

But in the same time also please be informed that allowing row-level-permissions and validation submissions at the same time is not possible. It’s a work in progress feature. Maybe you could follow the same here:

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