Pull data not working in kobo server and kobocollect

I made a simple .csv file (book) with key,id, prov, town and a pull data .csv (homes)
with that pull data calcs relating to id 1 province and town. This is not working. What am I missing, does kobo need odk to work?

type name label required calculation
start start
end end
text id Enter your id
calculate prov TRUE pulldata(‘facilities’,‘prov’,‘key’,${id})
note prov ${prov}
calculate town from town TRUE pulldata(‘facilities’,‘town’,‘key’,${id})
note ${town}

and the db .csv

key id prov town
1 a1 east eldo
2 a2 west nbi
3 a3 north ksm
4 a4 south nku

This is a basic pull data and its not populating the province and town once I key in the id as in the .csv

I changed the facilities.csv to book.csv as required

Welcome to the community, @kenstates! Maybe this support article Pull Data Functionality in KoboToolbox should help you solve your issue.

Can you try moving your ‘id’ column to the left? It should work per the given outline if you make your ‘id’ column your most left column.

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Thanks Kal and tasfik, tried both. I have implemented the “pull data functionality” and even deleted the key column in book.csv as adviced. Nothing works, I downloaded the kobo community and havent installed odk. Can’t call pull data to auto populate as many have alluded on youtube

type name label read_only calculation
note filing
note filing2
note logo1
date Listing_Date Listing_Date
time StartTime StartTime
integer StaffID StaffID
begin_group StaffInformation StaffInformation
text StaffName StaffName TRUE pulldata(‘facilities’,‘StaffName’,‘key’,${StaffID})
text StaffNumber StaffNumber TRUE pulldata(‘facilities’,‘StaffNumber’,‘key’,${StaffID})
text Supervisor Supervisor TRUE pulldata(‘facilities’,‘Supervisor’,‘key’,${StaffID})


staffID StaffName StaffNumber Supervisor
a1 Jane 23 Kim
a2 Sam 33 Bob
a3 Tom 43 John
a4 Dick 53 June

These are my steps in kobo, build from scratch, upload the csv homes.csv for pull data and facilities.csv for DB. Deploy and then preview. Shouldnt it auto pop staff name, number and sup? Or it works on the upgraded Kobo?

Hi @kenstates,

Can you change key in your pulldata to staffID

like this:


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Thanks Hakan, the leftmost column is the StaffID and I have redone my pulldata as requested but still not auto pop after entering a StaffID a1

Can you share your form and your csv file so we can take a look?

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Still new to community am restricted on uploads, but same as above, may I gmail u?

Pinging @Kal_Lam for accesss

Still waitin, kenstatellc@g…com

Thanks ya’ll got it sorted

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@kenstates, :clap: :heart: :partying_face:

@tasfik_rukan, :bowing_man: @hakan_cetinkaya, :bowing_man:

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